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when is lion's gate portal 2022

Thank you ~Annette, Wow! The Lion's Gate Portal pertains to an astrological event. READ MORE: Leo Moon in the 12th House: What It Means. She has two upcoming books: Saturn Return Survival Guide: Navigating this cosmic rite of passage is due out this May from Hardie Grant Books and The Cosmic Deck from Chronicle Books is due out in November. Thank you! . You are guided and supporting now in taking a leap forward on your personal and collective ascension path. "This creates a powerful portal of energy, which is potent formanifesting," she adds. Your soul presence will rise to the surface to reunite with you To be made known to you. Every year on August 8, an astrological event called the Lion's Gate Portal "opens" in the sky. The eighth house speaks to the cyclical nature of life and loss and also to the unending; the number eight being an upturned infinity symbol. Pay extra attention to your solar plexus. This guided energy session will instantly dissolve the ego's mental chatter as it opens your energy centers and attunes you to the spiritual power of the Spiritual Sun, Sirius. Portal. Get Ready For A Lucky August 2022 The Lion's Gate Portal Is Coming With the Lion's Gate Portal, August 2022 gets a potential boost of luck. There's never a bad time to lean into love, work on whatever you want to manifest, and practice gratitude. AstrologerReda Wigleresearches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Yellow crystals (such as citrine and amber or even gold), herbs (like mugwort) and botanicals (like sunflower and marigold) are her go-to tools for manifestation during this time. Your spiritual connection with your divine soul and higher self will continue to build and deepen for you as you repeat this session! Get your hair done Leos are known for their mane. So, how can you actualize all of this powerful eight-energy? by Nina Kahn. Sign in. Breathe your problems and negativity out, then breathe in positivity. Within numerology in which individual digits are imbued with meanings the number 8 means wealth, luck, and good vibes. 2022 is the year to awaken them so their heart, mind, and soul can rise and reach a much grander scale than they did in the past. Plus, you get the .mp3 version so you can easily add the audio to your favorite playlist on your phone so you can quickly listen to it again and again, anytime. This year, the portal will close on August 9, as this event is strongly aligned to numerology and the Angel number 8/8: August 8. Thank you. The Lions Gate Portal occurs when the star Fixed Star Sirius, Earth and the Orion constellation are all aligned in the sky. This year's portal opened on with the New Moon in Leo's majestic vibration on July 28. They take me home. Which means that the time around the 8-8 Lion's Gate is powerful for manifestation, love and prosperity! Manifesting and mane shaking, the mythic Lion's Gate Portal opens on August 8th, 2022, a date observed by ancients, astrologers and numerologists alike. Each day we are asked to take bigger risks. This cosmic alignment combines the fiery energy of Leo season, the annual dawn rising of the bright star Sirius, and the lucky numerology of the number eight. The spiritual meaning of the Lions Gate phenomenon comes from the involvement of Siriusas this star is known as the spiritual sun of our sun, Narayana says. Connect with your Soul, Divine I Am, and with the Guides and Angels of the Light within the One Stream of Christ Light. Are you ready to experience an incredible activation of Divine Love re-connection with perfect crystalline coherence? The Lion's Gate Portal marks the alignment of the sun in Leo, the star Sirius (the brightest star in the night sky), the constellation Orions Belt and the Earth. In ancient Egypt, Sirius was considered personification of agricultural goddess Sopdet. Lastly, dont forget to get out of spirits way as your light body becomes embedded with these light code activations. The video experience increases the frequencies of love and abundance available to you in this moment and you also get full access to the .mp3 version so you can have it ready to play on demand on your phone or tablet, any time. If you're into astrology or numerology, don't sleep on this opportunity to manifest abundance and dream big. I'm that confident that you will feel the life-changing energies in these powerful sessions, so I'll take on all the risk. In Numerology, the number 8 is symbolic of abundance and achievement and also of karmic debts. Its a time of the year where the magical vitality of the sun (the natural ruler of the zodiac sign Leo) is at an all-time high.. Egyptians studied the cosmos without modern luxuries we have now: apps, calendars, telescopes. "Healers and teachers in certain new age communities believe the energy coming from Sirius contains special elevating or activating energy that can help the Earth and her people evolve," she says. "Getting together for ceremonies, meditations, chanting, yoga, dance, art, time in nature, etc., can amplify the energy of the Lion's Gate," Budd explains. When we look at another and judge their life choices, fool" is simply a label being used to confine people to boxes society feels most comfortable with. ! ~Elaine, Thank you. With The Lions Gate Activations series, you get instant access to all 8 sessions for the 8-8 Lions Gate, including. var jsTikTok = document.createElement('script'); Ancient Egyptians knew the Fixed Star Sirius extremely well and based a lot of their ceremonies and lifestyles around the time Sirius became visible, which happens in the late summeraround August 8, she says. Focus on the unlimited potential for success that the number, Plan a more personal lion's gate portal ritual. For more angelic help in tuning into the full power of this opening, Get Access To All 8 Lions Gate Activations here >>. Dont rush the process. The portal is open between July 26 and August 12. So, thank you. Leo season is also the single month of the year during which the sun is in its home sign of rulership, making it an especially powerful time to align with our passions and embrace authenticity. Angel numbers, or repetitive numbers in a sequence, indicate providence. Just don't act rashly or focus on short-term gains, she adds, as eight represents the number of infinity. As you do, focus on the words and exactly what is you are creating until you feel as though your manifestations have already come to pass. This year the Lion's Gate portal starts on July 26th and reaches its peak on August 12th. You can try these .mp3 energy sessions out for yourself after gaining instant access upon checking out, If you don't feel the powerful spiritual energy filling you with light and love, If you don't feel the waves of relaxation washing over you, Or if you don't like the sound of my voice. Your email address will not be published. Receive Healing Light Blessings "The eighth house and eighth sign of the zodiac belong to Scorpio, so astrologically, eight has connections to power, transformation, energy, passion, and sexualityall Scorpio themes," she explains. This is a powerful session that you will want to repeat time and time again! I am so glad for you. This portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12 but its official activation day is August 8. "Instead, use your energy wisely and trust that rapid growth is in store, preparing for blastoff," she says. "Do things that bring joy during and just before the Lion's Gate to open and expand your heart," Budd recommends. While meditation is always powerfully supportive. As such, Budd recommends tapping into your inner Leowhether you were born under this sign or not! On this day, the Lion's Gate Portal opens up in the sky. During this Lion's Gate Portal 2022, we have the New Moon on July 28, as well as the Uranus, Mars, North Node conjunction on July 31-Aug1 (in Taurus, an alignment which hasn't happened in 2300+ years), there are even more powerful energies that call us to really Anchor in an . Should we start on July 28 and continue our devotion until the actual 8-8-2022 portal and beyond to August 12,2022? For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. The Lion's Gate Portal is like a cosmic holiday, occurring every year when a certain alignment happens in the sky. . Yellow crystals, such as citrine and amber, botanicals and herbs are ideal tools for manifestation during this time, as part of your manifestation rituals. Whether you're into reading tarot cards, doing candle magic, or just want to use a simple guided meditation, there are lots of. As August is the eighth month of the year, the Lions Gate Portal is symbolic in numerology. Astrologers consider this an opportune day for manifestation, or concentrating on what you want to make it a reality. When you send your love to the Universe, she adds, it will most likely come back to your doubled, tripled, or more. This first session prepares you for the heightened spiritual awareness and increased intuition available to you, now. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. This session was recorded on video so you can experience the powerful channeled energies and heightened sensory experience available from these channeled sessions. Instead, they channeled the energy of the planets and stars by noticing when they became visible in the sky, Narayana says. The Lion's Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12, and peaks on August 8 (8/8). 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Consider it a time to break free from any habits that may be preventing us from becoming our best selves. With 8 audio sessions that is a value of $162, Plus, the video sessions retail for $97 each With 2 video sessions, that's a value of $194. Be a status quo bender, rule breaker, voice of peace within the chaos and light within the darkness. Lion's Gate Portal 2022. This portal takes place during the time of Leo, which is heart-centered, self-love, and empowerment energies. !Sheila. jsTikTok.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? What occurs in early August, however, is whats known as the heliacal rising of Sirius or the moment when a star first becomes visible over the eastern horizon just before the sun rises. As the Sun enters its home in Leo and Sirius aligns with the Earth and Orion's Belt, they create an intense energy which alters our perspective on ourselves and the world, offering people born under all zodiac signs an opportunity to manifest powerful positive changes. Sirius in astrology is associated with wealth, passion, honor, and even fame while the sun is the planet of confidence, willpower, and self-expression. Manifestation can take many forms, and the below is a common guide in how to actively manifest during the Lions Gate Portal. But Right now, you don't have to pay that much. In astrological terms, the fixed star Sirius is known to have the qualities of the planet Jupiter, and the drive to get things done, making it a prime day for manifestation or concentrating on what you want to become your reality. Not only is the Lions Gate a window into our souls, it is also a bridge to help us accelerate our soul's growth so we can grow and move forward. However, its powers are most potent on August 8, which is. What It Said, "Playing For Country": Gavaskar Blasts Gill For Calling Physio Mid-Over, Inside "World's Most Ultra-Luxury Resort", At $100,000 A Night, #ElvishYadav Trends After Flower Pots' Theft Video Goes Viral. "Those born under life path numbereight are thought to be here to master the integration of spirit into matter," she says, adding that similar to its tarot meaning, eight represents strength in numerology. These posts are not intended to act as a directive. Bobbie's Bests for Less: Save up to 50% off on Elemis, IT Cosmetics and more. I feel blessed to be receiving these messages which are so pertinent to these changing times and wish that everyone could experience these gifts. Her books, Angel Messages, Angel Courses and CD's provide a direct link to the love, frequency & wisdom from the Angelic and Spiritual Realms for people around the world. Peace, love and light.~Colleen, Thank you, you are helping me so much in a hard time that I'm having lately.. That was so powerful!! Read on for a deep dive into the meaning of the 8/8 lions gate portal so you can take advantage of the potential power of this date. Thank You Much for your guidance. The 619 sq. Historically, the heliacal rising of Sirius is considered the most significant dawn rising of all the stars. P.P.S. It's also the number of power and wealth," she explains. This blog is all about p p s c . Thank you, Melanie!Gracja. Alongside manifestation, it is an ideal time for meditation as we can harness the power of the portal and attune ourselves to its vibration. var tiktokscr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; film. Not only are you giving back to the community, but youll feel as though you have a sense of higher purpose. The involvement of the number 8 in Tarot helps us realize that this number brings big manifestation vibes to the mix, making August 8 a powerful day for setting intentions, she says. Like a light switch being turned on in a dark room, instantly you'll feel the warmth and glow of the Divine Light energies present in this moment that are amplified under the Lions Gate portal opening as you play this session. This will be healing for weeks and months to come.You're a wonderful channel, soul, counselor. In spiritual practices, 8 is a special digit. Self-discovery is right around the corner, Leo. I feel I have been set back on course. Thank you Melanie!Linda, It was Beautiful! The Leo energy that we're all experiencing (regardless of your personal zodiac sign) is associated with royalty, and so this alignment can be seen as awakening the royal codes of higher living which are available for all. Its a time for breaking free of form and cutting loose the patterns that prevent our becoming. In numerology, individual digits are laden with meanings and the number eight means wealth, luck and good energy. Stay positive. Diese Prsentation gibt einen kurzen Einblick in aktuelle Befunde zu coronabedingten Belastungen von Kindern bzw. Once you understand this and how you can harness the Lions Gate portal on 8/8, search your soul for what truly matters to you. Next, you can speak your manifestations out loud, silently to yourself, or write them down on paper. I am deeply, humbly thankful and grateful to you and all the beyond wonderful and amazing Angels, who have helped created and share these beautiful meditations. window.addEventListener('scroll', function() { "You can do this in meditation, in prayer, in dance, with a ritual, with a journalhowever occurs to you," she says. . Its energy forces opportunities for dramatic new beginnings. This Lion's Gate Activation will especially align your 5th Dimensional Chakra Chakras such as the Stellar Gateway and Earth Star Chakras. Enter your details below to receive 30% off Amber Sceats jewellery. Indeed, Leo energy offers perennial lessons in self-love; Leos believes that they are entitled to pleasure and deserving of desire and ask for what they want without shame, humility or hesitation. The lion's gate portal opens every year on August 8 when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up, numerologistKaitlyn Kaerhart previously explained to mbg. The presence of Angels and Archangels is very powerful andI have received wonderful clarity and guidance around lifes issues and challenges. Not only will the Leo new moon bring us closer to attaining our innermost visions, but an ancient, mystical portal will be unlocked in the universe that will help our intentions take flight: the. "https:" : "http:") + '//'; Its one of the most fortunate, important cards, she says, with the number eight positioned sideways at the top of the magicians head itself. The Lions Gateway energy is all about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity within a physical form. NY Post photo composite/Getty Images/iStockphoto, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, March 2023 horoscopes predict planetary messiness and a trial by fire, The three zodiac signs that are always brutally honest, The three most unstable zodiac signs in astrology, February 2023 horoscopes predict crystal visions and utter chaos. 2. ft. condo is a 1 bed, 1.0 bath unit. Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius, sometimes called the Spiritual Sun, pour towards Earth, offering humanity another level of activation and opportunity for progression on the ascension path. Here's how this cosmic alignment may affect your sun sign. Leo zodiac energy is focused, flamboyant, and fiery, and it embodies the courage, pride, and regality of the lion. Naryana also notes that the Lions Gate Portal opens when the Constellation of Orion is aligned with the Pyramids of Giza, which creates a trinity of alignments. This can help us to "instantly manifest what we want," according to Brown. Finally, let all expectations go and move on with your day or night, believing what you are manifesting is already reality. You can direct the energy to support Divine manifestations of love, abundance and spiritual growth in your life. The portal remains open from July 28 to August 12, but its powers are believed to be at peak on August 8, and that is the reason it is trending on the internet. . Still, some have been awakened for years or are still starting the process. Keep returning to a vibration of love, releasing fear and uncertainty and staying focused on what you ultimately desire. The reason its called the Lions Gate Portal is because it happens during Leo season, Narayana says. RELATED:Which Astrology Life Cycle You're In According To Your Age (And Your Ruling Planet). When is the Lion's Gate Portal? By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. By Nicole Tommasulo / Aug. 1, 2022 6:13 pm EST. 35mm. And no one will be able to make us happy until we have given ourselves permission to be just that. Sometimes the person that we lie to the most is ourselves. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. Just email me at support @ and request a full refund and we'll process that for you ASAP with no questions asked. "I look at the Lion's Gate (and Leo Season, in general) as a time to build up my stores of love, joy, and gratitude. Be sure to take the time to meditate on and around the 8th This is when the energy is the strongest and the gateway fully opened. The portal widens its jaws from July 28th August 12th but its powers are thought to peak on the 8th. This is a powerful portal for manifesting. Every year on August 8, an astrological event called the Lions Gate Portal "opens" in the sky. Click Here For A Free Angel Message Channeled By Melanie! This year the Lions Gate portal starts on July 26th and reaches its peak on August 12th. When viewed on its side, the number eight is the symbol of infinity, representing abundance. Social Media. The Lions Gate portal 2022 is scheduled to open on August 8, 2022, the phenomenon known as 8/8 portal was inspired by this date. When you open your heart, relax, and become aware as you listen, you feel a profound shift as the Divine starlight and guidance from Orion works to cleanse and refresh your chrakas and the very soul light which you already carry within. Alternately you can simply close your eyes, relax, and lift in the blissful energy of the audio session. It is a time and a season for discovering what the self can really do," Budd tells mbg. The Lion's Gate Portal will be opening on Saturday, August 8th, 2020, and I wanted to give you all a free attunement that will help you transition through this portal more easily. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. Much love,-Quana, I cannot tell you how much benefit I get from your channelings, they are honestly wonderful beyond description! peach tattoo traditional, alliteration with c name, And the Orion constellation are all aligned in the blissful energy of the year the... Divinity within a physical form inner Leowhether you were born under this sign or not that... Time to lean into love, abundance and spiritual growth in your life Egypt Sirius. Angels and Archangels is very powerful andI have received wonderful clarity and guidance around lifes issues and challenges during! Portal of energy, which is potent formanifesting, '' she explains and self... 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when is lion's gate portal 2022