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moderna ig farben

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the Soviet liberation of the Nazi death camp, Auschwitz. IG Farben was the only German company in the Third Reich that ran its own concentration camp. More than 1,500 individuals and about 100 German groups have signed this platform. Takto se postupovalo i pi zkouen lk na tuberkulzu, antibakterilnch i hormonlnch ppravk a dalch. [87], On 10 November 2003 its liquidators filed for insolvency,[88] but this did not affect the existence of the company as a legal entity. People are eating pesticide and insecticide and looking to MDs to fix their self-inflicted health detriment, all while they keep eating weed killer and bug killer food. 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. Moderna Inc. has no link to IG Farben No, Massachusetts-based biotech company Moderna Inc. does not trace its lineage to Germany. He was released after serving only four years. Moderna Inc. was founded over four decades later, in 2010 in Cambridge, Massachusetts ( here ), by Derrick Rossi, Robert Langer, Kenneth R Chien, and venture capitalist Noubar Afeyan ( here , here , here ). 9". The nerve agent Sarin was first discovered by IG Farben. In 1951 the company was split into its original constituent companies. (NaturalNews) The year is 2014, and bio-agriculture on planet Earth is deteriorating nutrition and health in general. [6] Gerhard Domagk was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1939 "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil". Also see .mw-parser-output cite.citation{font-style:inherit;word-wrap:break-word}.mw-parser-output .citation q{quotes:"\"""\"""'""'"}.mw-parser-output .citation:target{background-color:rgba(0,127,255,0.133)}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-free a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-free a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .id-lock-registration a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-limited a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-registration a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .id-lock-subscription a,.mw-parser-output .citation .cs1-lock-subscription a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/9px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-ws-icon a{background:url("//")right 0.1em center/12px no-repeat}.mw-parser-output .cs1-code{color:inherit;background:inherit;border:none;padding:inherit}.mw-parser-output .cs1-hidden-error{display:none;color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{color:#d33}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#3a3;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}"Law No. Despite their macerated condition they were considered satisfactory. This prompted Duisberg and Heinrich von Brunck, chairman of BASF, to accelerate their negotiations. Fumigation took place within a closed room, but it was a slow process, so Degesch recommended building small gas chambers, which heated the gas to over 30C and killed the lice within one hour. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. The demons admit that when the Moderna "vaccine" became responsible for massive death, that this also was funny to them. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. [7], The company had ties in the 1920s to the liberal German People's Party and was accused by the Nazis of being an "international capitalist Jewish company". Bill Gates Funded CanSino Biologics in China. Its a name that Zoe can never forget. I saw this in a Facebook post- This conspiracy theory has everything. After the Nuremberg trials, companies like BASF and Bayer were formed from the splintered monolith. In the course of the late 1920s and 30s, IG Farben also became international, with trust arrangements and interests in major European countries, the United States, and elsewhere. Learn more about it here. Read more about our fact-checking work here . IG Farben went into liquidation in 1952 ( here ). After the end of the second world war, IG Farben is liquidated by George Soros; rebranded as Moderna. Its candidate, mRNA-1273, is already in late-stage human trials testing its ability to safely prevent coronavirus infection ( here , here ). Ghislaine Maxwell finds herself in more trouble in New York and she has this issue in common with Lisa Marie Presley. They were chemical and drug companies. Figure A: Bowl of Hygieia The first such patent was taken out in 1973 by Mario Cardullo, and the patent number provided in the message text (US2006257852) actually points to a patent related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus rather than any RFID technology. The symbols and logos of modern medicine clearly reveal who is behind the scenes orchestrating the whole system of the administering of poisonous drugs that manipulate the bodies and minds of billions of people around the world. [59] Charles Coward, a British POW who had been held at Auschwitz III, told the IG Farben trial: The population at Auschwitz was fully aware that people were being gassed and burned. Such "conspiracy theories" must be presumed by the preponderance of facts and clear-and-convicing evidence summarized herein that best explain the 2019 "novel" SARS/HIV-1/coronavirus ("n-2019CoV") alleged or presumed bioterrorism and biocrime. Let that sink in. Farben Hell's Cartel was THE pivotal company without whom Hitler could not have implemented his industrialized "scientific" Holocaust. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany as head of State, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus. The Nazi chemicals giant IG Farben used forced labor and made poison gas. Farben put Hitler over the top in Germany as head of State, and the war was designed to lead to a united Europe that would be dominated by the Farben nexus. The posts falsely claim that late disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein was one of Modernas primary stockholders until 2019, when he was found unconscious in a Manhattan jail cell with injuries to his neck while facing charges of sex trafficking involving dozens of underage girls ( here ). Other companies that were part of the conglomerate include Bayer, Hoechst and BASF. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben," the conspiracy further states. This little IG was no more than a loose association: member companies remained independent, while dividing production and markets and sharing information. The victorious Allied powers seized IG Farben's surviving assets and split the firm up into smaller constituent companies. Farben's lawyers turned their . He was involved in the testing of experimental vaccines and medicines on inmates and after the war he was executed for administering fatal injections. The biotech made history by beginning a Phase 1 study of the vaccine within 63 days of receiving the new. The companys contribution to this fund amounted to more than 40m.. The Company's remaining assets are marketable securities and . The indictment was filed on 3 May 1947; the trial lasted from 27 August 1947 until 30 July 1948. The Nazis wanted to sterilise the population of the east, especially Russian people, but enable them to continue to be useful as workers., Bayer says the company which exists today has nothing to do with its wartime counterpart. . Farben at Nuremberg", "Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. It was not the IGs intention to bring any of this out in the open, but rather to put up a smoke screen around the experiments so that () they could keep any profits to themselves. But Moderna's is much easier to get from . But I was one of the very few lucky ones who managed to survive. IG Farben used to be the world's largest chemical company and a major innovatoruntil it was broken up in one of the largest antitrust events in history. The most vieweddocumentary in history. They let the SS deal with the shall I say dirty work in the concentration camps. [50] The gas was first used on human beings in Auschwitz (650 Soviet POWs and 200 others) in September 1941. The purpose of a corporation's continuing existence, being "in liquidation", is to ensure an orderly wind-down of its affairs. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. As documents show, IG Farben was intimately involved with the human experimental atrocities committed by Mengele at Auschwitz. In the Auschwitz files, correspondence between the camp commander and Bayer Leverkusen was discovered. I.G. The judges were Curtis Grover Shake (presiding), James Morris, Paul M. Hebert, and Clarence F. Merrell as an alternate judge. Mglichkeiten der IG Farben, Vorteile aus der Politik des Nationalsozialis-mus zu ziehen, begrenzt, und zweitens lie die IG Farben nur selten Sym-pathien fr die vorgegebene politische Linie erkennen. 08/19/2011. I want to make sure people remember what happened to people like me when I was a child at Auschwitz, she says. Judge Rules Unsealed Documents Be Opened to the Public It continued to say that the company was first known as IG Farben and operated in Germany and was responsible for producing Zyklon-B, which was used in the Holocaust to kill millions of people. Now in her early 70s, she has been fighting for compensation and an apology from the German drug manufacturer, Bayer. It is clear that the experiments in the concentration camps with IG preparations only took place in the interests of the IG, which strived by all means to determine the effectiveness of these preparations. Spolenost byla zaloena v roce 1925 spoleenstvm hlavnch firem, kter spolupracovaly ji od 1. svtov vlky. Dr. Anthony Fauci is not listed in Modernas board of directors ( here ), scientific advisory board ( here ) nor its managements team ( here ). IG Farben is infamous for it's mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. [8] The company ended up being the "largest single contribution" to the successful Nazi election campaign of 1933;[33] there is also evidence of "secret contributions" to the party in 1931 and 1932. [218] The company placed itself under a large burden of guilt due to its heavy involvement in the planning, preparation and implementation of both . The I.G. Take a stand against censorship. IG, lit. The top owners of Moderna are visible here and here . Nor did he patent RFID and that patent number isn't for RFID technology at all. The allegations presented in social media posts are unfounded. Today all traces of the Jewish cemetery in Uerdingen have been completely obliterated. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. Altogether its annual net profit was around 500 million (equivalent to 2 billion 2021 euros). Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. Formed in 1925 from a merger of six chemical companiesBASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm. Weiler Ter Meer (1.9 percent). Viral text accurately outlines how biotechnology company Moderna is linked to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros, and Jeffrey Epstein. There she underwent several painful operations to repair the damage done to her body. The scientific value of all these experiments, whether ordered by the IG Farben or not, was in fact zero. The forced sale price was way below the actual market value: 100,000 square meter property for 3,000 Reichsmark. [1] BASF was the nominal survivor; all shares were exchanged for BASF shares. [54] Hrlein became chair of Bayer's supervisory board. We will contact you shortly about a new shipment (). He helped Dr Mengele to conduct genetic experiments, usually on children, and also selected thousands of prisoners at the huge death camp, choosing those who might be useful and sending the rest to an immediate death with a flick of his finger. If all goes well it'll become federal law to get the vaccine. IG Farben, in full Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, (German: Syndicate of Dyestuff-Industry Corporations), worlds largest chemical concern, or cartel, from its founding in Germany in 1925 until its dissolution by the Allies after World War II. [56] The general manager of Degesch is said to have learned about the gassings from Kurt Gerstein of the SS. Now you have the chance to watch the entire film here on If all goes "well" it'll become federal law to get the. Eventually the Western powers and West Germans agreed to divide IG Farben into just three independent units: Hoechst, Bayer, and BASF (the first two being refounded in 1951; BASF in 1952). 1 6 1925 . More on the history of the RFID technology is visible here . The IG Farben Pharmaceutical Conglomerate simply morphed into U.S. Pharma Eventually, scientists of the early 1980s figured out a way to transfer the genes of anything that kills bugs and weeds and put them into the seeds of corn and soy, two of the MOST POPULAR staple crops for the basis of most US food products. [ Dr. Matthias Rath heads a research development institute in nutritional and Cellular Medicine conducting basic research and clinical studies to scientifically document the health benefits of micronutrients in fighting a multitude of diseases. Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention. In 1945 IG Farben came under Allied authority; its industries (along with those of other German firms) were to be dismantled or dismembered with the stated intent to render impossible any future threat to Germanys neighbours or to world peace. In the western zones of Germany, however, especially as the Cold War advanced, this disposition toward liquidation lessened. His grave in Krefeld has a meter-high wreath on it donated by BAYER in recognition of his services. Fritz Bauer Institute. Moderna raised even more the next year. Some iterations of the claim also falsely state that Soros was a Nazi. Another longtime Bayer employee, Helmut Vetter, also worked as a SS doctor at Auschwitz. During her two years at the camp, 13-year-old Zoe was forced to take tablets and pills as part of a series of pharmacological experiments, believed to be part of early birth control tests. It is clear that the experiments in the concentration camps with IG preparations only took place in the interests of the IG, which strived by all means to determine the effectiveness of these preparations. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. Joined the board and supervisory council of WASAG Chemie-AG and Mitteldeutsche Sprengstoff-Werke GmbH. [38] One of IG Farben's subsidiaries supplied the poison gas, Zyklon B, that killed over one million people in gas chambers. You have to drink the Kool Aid , by law! [39], Company executives said after the war that they had not known what was happening inside the camps. Corrections? So it is no wonder that unexperienced reader finds today lots of surprises in hidden parts of IG Farben history. We address some of the world's most pressing global challenges and continue to develop new solutions. Farbenindustrie AG, previously a diversified chemical conglomerate, is presently in voluntary liquidation. 4) Financier Jeffrey Epstein, who was convicted of sex offenses in 2008 and committed suicide in his jail cell in 2019 while awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges, got his start in the world of finance as a trader at Bear Stearns in 1976 and later founded his own money-management consulting firm, Financial Trust Company. Now living in Dundee, she tells her story in a BBC documentary. Resumed his position at Bayer. [citation needed], Although IG Farben was officially put into liquidation in 1952, this did not end the company's legal existence. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Moderna was started in Cambridge, MA by venture capitalists. It was at Cornell that Bill Gates designed the RFID (Radio-frequency identification) and patented it under US2006257852. His name was Dr Victor Capesius. Moderna was a pharmaceutical company that started in Germany under the name IG Farben. The successor companies remain some of the world's largest chemical and pharmaceutical companies. (Excerpt from I.G. There is also a fifteen years age difference between Gates, born in 1955, and Fauci, born in 1940 ( here ). (Cassella at first held out and was not absorbed by IG Farben until 1937.). Marketing was split among four sales commissions. In most cases the prisoners died as a result of the experiments. I was just one of thousands of children treated in this way. Pharmaceuticals. The loss of the war didn't derail that plan. IG Farben is infamous for its mass production of Zyklon-B, the primary gas used to kill millions during the Holocaust. Soros was born in 1930, making him nine when the war broke out . The test preparations were not only applied to those prisoners who were ill, but also to healthy ones. Jmno zskala z nmeckho Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG (Zjmov skupina prmyslu barev). Of course all of the Farben people knew what was going on. may also help with any obstacles Moderna may face . Allied Control Council. [25] In 1904, after returning to Germany, he proposed a nationwide merger of the producers of dye and pharmaceuticals in a memorandum to Gustav von Brning, the senior manager at Hoechst. During World War II, Bayer was part of a consortium called IG Farben that made the Zyklon B pesticide used in Adolf Hitler's gas chambers. [39] Degesch originally supplied the gas to Auschwitz to fumigate clothing that was infested with lice, which carried typhus. [63], The Americans seized the company's property under "General Order No. [53] Mann, who had been an SA-Sturmfhrer,[54] was the chair of Degesch's board. So now you've got Bill Gates, you've got Anthony Fauci, you've got George Soros, all involved in this whole Moderna thing. 3) Notorious chemical and pharmaceutical company IG Farben was not "dissolved" after World War II by George Soros, who was not a Nazi (or a German) and was only 14 years old when Germany surrendered in 1945. [30] The designation was used as the title of an East German film, The Council of the Gods (1950). Bayer has worked in good faith with the German government to establish a fund to help those who have suffered. Profit urber alles that means ANYTHING goes profit above all else. The company paid about $17 million to former slave laborers in the 1950's, but adamantly refused to recognize further legal responsibility for decades afterward. At least 30.000 slave workers died in this camp; a lot more were deported to the gas chambers. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, John D., Sr. (1839-1937) and his brother William Rockefeller (1841-1922) amassed the largest private fortune in history, primarily through . Also presided over the GfK (Society for Consumer Research) and the Foreign Trade Committee of the BDI, Federation of German Industry. Carl Bosch and Friedrich Bergius were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1931 "in recognition of their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods". [9] Described as "the most notorious German industrial concern during the Third Reich"[10] in the 1940s the company relied on slave labour from concentration camps, including 30,000 from Auschwitz,[11] and was involved in medical experiments on inmates at both Auschwitz and the Mauthausen concentration camp. Im still very wary of men wearing white coats.. After Germany fell, IG Farben was dissolved and its assets sold off by a Nazi turned American by the name of, you guessed it, George Soros. Nazi psychiatrists first began testing chemicals on inmates in the name of mental hygiene. At that time, internet users were circulating a bit of text tying Moderna to infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Hungarian-born financier George Soros, and American financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, figures who previously had all been the subjects of various baseless conspiracy theories. 9, "Seizure of Property owned by I.G. Held from 1947 to 1948 as one of the subsequent Nuremberg trials, the IG Farben trial saw 23 IG Farben directors tried for war crimes and 13 convicted. The test results in the concentration camps, as the IG laboratory specialists should have known, could not be compared to results made under normal circumstances. He started working at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in 1968, as a clinical associate at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) ( ). In 1978 Joseph Borkin, who investigated the company as a United States Justice Department lawyer, quoted an American report: "Without I.G. IG Farben. Otto Bayer discovered the polyaddition for the synthesis of polyurethane in 1937. Instead, Hoechst and Cassella made an alliance based on mutual equity stakes in 1904. Fritz ter Meer served on the IG Farben board of directors from 1926 to 1945 and was the head officer directing the operations of the IG Farben factory at Auschwitz. Aerial photograph of Auschwitz, June 1944, showing the IG Farben plant, Peter Hayes (2001): "[I]t was Zyklon B, a granular vaporizing pesticide, that asphyxiated the Jews of Auschwitz, and a subsidiary of IG, the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Schdlingsbekmpfung MbH (German Vermin-Combating Corporation), or Degesch, that controlled the manufacture and distribution of the Zyklon. "community of interest"). Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. [34], Throughout the 1930s the company underwent a process of Aryanization, and by 1938 Jewish employees had been dismissed and the Jews on the board had resigned. Price as of February 24, 2023, 4:00 p.m. Will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article was in fact zero and health in.. 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moderna ig farben