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star wars theory what if anakin killed palpatine

If Palpatine did manipulate circumstances surrounding Shmi, then it would stand to reason that he might have manipulated circumstances to create this point of leverage over Anakin. A recent tie-in novel even has suggested that Darth Sidious took Dooku on as apprentice several years before Maul's death; Dooku himself was also discarded ruthlessly, of course. One might wonder how different things would have been had pivotal moments in the saga gone differently. He was born and raised in New York and has a degree in English from Rider University. Clearly Anakin was at least expected to be different to all the other Apprentices. We also offer ebooks, audiobooks, and more, for only $11.99/month. Star Wars Theory: R2-D2 Didn't Know Anakin Skywalker Became Darth Vader. Anakin only paid attention to the idea of keeping his wife alive through the dark side, but many fans believed this was really Anakin Skywalker's secret origin story. Palpatine presented Vader with his red-bladed lightsaber, which Vader then used to kill Palpatine right then and there. He discovered what a survivor of Order 66 named Verla, who seems to have abandoned the light side of the Force given her aggressive use of the Mind Probe. Many Star Wars projects, including movies, are currently in the works, but none of them (as far as we know) are set to be the equivalent of Star Wars: Episode X. By having Palpatine murder Padm, the origin of Darth Vader becomes that much more powerful. Artoo and Threepio got her aboard her ship and were waiting for Kenobi. However, mind control only works on the weak minded. The Clone Wars only ended when Palpatine sent Darth Vader to assassinate the Separatist Council and shut down their droid forces. Given Anakin's history with Palpatine the Council would have to realize what Anakin is telling them was true because Anakin killing Palpatine would be unthinkable if he wasn't really a Sith Lord. Whether or not Leia would have met Han Solo in this alternate scenario and eventually had a child with him is unknown, but the lack of one might have made events of the sequel era very different. By popular request - What would have happened if Anakin Skywalker never Killed Count Dooku in Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith? Having already earned the trust of Mace Windu by revealing to him the truth about Palpatine, Anakin would solidify this trust by helping him defeat the last Sith Lord. Padame goes into labor in a medical facility and Anakin begs Palpatine to teach him before his vision comes true. Also I'd imagine there would be evidence of the fight and Palpatine's lightsaber. What about Obi-Wan Kenobi? This Star Wars theory also improves Padms death by confirming the lore of Darth Plagueis. If Shmi's kidnapping was somehow framed on the Tusken Raiders, it would have been obvious. Was Anakin his creation all along, designed as part of the Sith Lord's quest for immortality? As shown in both canon and Legends, however, Palpatine is capable of returning from the dead. In fact, if it wasn't for Mace Windu's determination to kill Palpatine, Anakin might've had him arrested and continued as a Jedi. I believe that had Anakin made a hasty decision, disposing of Palpatine, that he would still fall to the dark side, just as it is said if Luke were to have killed him on DS2. The prophecies don't appear to have originated with the Jedi Order, and there's no reason to assume the Sith weren't aware of them - even Maul acknowledges a Sith version of the prophecy inthe final moments before his death. What would happen to the fate of the galaxy as we know it?? Related: Star Wars' Plagueis Retcon Makes Anakin's Dark Side Fall Even More Tragic. Whether she lived or died, Anakin would have probably tried running far away from the Empire, trying with the help of the droids to keep the babies safe. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the Jedi Master was powerful enough to sense the rising darkness, and he was attempting to scout out the reason for it. Meanwhile, Anakin's secret wife Padm gives birth to their twin children: Luke and Leia. Not hearing the sounds of the twins crying, Anakin carefully slips out of bed, slips on a robe, and walks out into the living room of his and Padme's apartment. Certainly there is something distinctly odd about the death of Shmi Skywalker inStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. If this theory is correct, then Anakin Skywalker was created by Palpatine as a corruption of the Chose One prophecy. While the Star Wars prequel trilogy was not originally welcomed by audiences, it is now experiencing a second chance. 4 What-If Obi-Wan Defeated Darth Vader? David Miller is a writer for Screen Rant, indie comic writer, and life-long lover of all things Star Wars, Marvel, and DC. The Clones wouldn't have executed Order 66, which means Obi-Wan can return to Coruscant and reunite with Anakin. In one early draft, Palpatine pushed Anakin to do the deed by revealing Dooku had paid the Tusken Raiders to kidnap and kill Shmi. Anakin is the idiot that feels betrayed and casts her away after almost force-choking her to death. Perhaps the Kaminoians? The Prequels established Anakin Skywalker as a uniquely powerful Force-user, with a Midichlorian count that exceeded even Master Yoda. InStar Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine told the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise, a Sith Lord who learned how to manipulate the Midichlorians in order to create life. Audible is the leading provider of spoken-word entertainment all in one place. As both the Supreme Chancellor and the secret leader of the Separatists as,Darth Sidious, Palpatine already controlled the galaxy by the events of Revenge of the Sith, gradually turning the Republic into an autocratic regime through emergency powers given to him in response to the ever-growing Separatist threat. As such, Palpatine would be gone, but the ramifications of his near-victory would continue to plague the Star Wars sagas heroes for years afterward. As usual, Anakin supported Ahsoka and her decision to help Bo-Katan defeat Maul. Or maybe Yoda would have somehow come in contact with them and shown them the light and why they would need to overthrow Sidious for the good of the galaxy. Written By Geoff Lo. When the Mandalorian and Toro Calican ask for permission to cross the Dune Sea, they request to barter. Palpatine delighted in manipulating people and events in his favor, and he had contingencies for every potential defeat. Earned my MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. What if Anakin had killed Palpatine in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith? Who did Sheev Palpatine marry? Thank you for listening to today'. As has been speculated, Vader may not have been using his full dark side potential, seeing as how his eyes are not Sith yellow during the duel. He'd fail. While Anakin would later tell Palpatine about his attack on the Tusken Raiders, Palpatine very readily uses it as a point of manipulation against Anakin, to convince him to give into his violent urges once again. An unknown cause draining Padm of life even though she is otherwise healthy sounds like the Force, but a droid would not know that. The Empire did try to frame the Tusken Raiders in A New Hope for the murder of both Luke's aunt and uncle, as well as the Jawas. One of Anakin Skywalker's most pivotal moments in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith is his choice to save either Mace Windu or Palpatine. Darth Vader awakens, and his first question is about the whereabouts of Padm. A man like Palpatine wouldn't be satisfied with the idea of living on in a helmet, or indeed in any other artifact. Once in a while I will come across a Star Wars fan wondering if the Kaminoan Nala Se could be in the Mandalorian. if Padme Survived? It also is suspect that as Padm loses the will to live, the scene is intercut with Anakin being placed in his suit to save his life. In order to truly defeat Obi-Wan, Vader would have had to kill his former master. Was Shmi Skywalker's death in Attack of the Clones just a stroke of luck for Palpatine - or did Darth Sidious actually engineer it? Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padm was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her. Palpatine confronts him about it and reveals he's a Sith Lord. He's already planning on making Anakin his apprentice long before he disposes of Dooku. I've haven't given it too much thought before. A graduate of Edge Hill University, Tom remains strongly connected with his alma mater as a volunteer chaplain. In more ways than one. As for the Republic, I think that it would be split in two. -\u0026t=2sHow Darth Vader Found Out The Jedi Council's BIGGEST Secret - Darth Vader Saved Palpatine From Death ALL of Darth Vaders Injuries and His Thoughts About Them if Anakin WAS Granted the Rank of Master -'s Thoughts While Being Burned on Mustafar and Turning Into Darth Vader - 8 Jedi Master Who Became Sith Lords - Did Anakin Kill All Jedi at the Temple During Order 66? NEXT:Rise of Skywalker's Palpatine Reveal is Star Wars' Smartest Marketing Yet. Release date: May 16, 2002 Cast: Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen A few years later, Anakin is training as a Padawan under Obi-Wan Kenobi when the now Senator Padm Amidala's . Star Wars: The Force Awakens SPOILER Discussion Thread Movies That being said, Vader could have still used his own blue-bladed lightsaber (or maybe even looted Kenobi's and dual-wielded) to try and kill Sidious. The moment that marked Anakin Skywalker's true fall from the light was when he intervened against Mace Windu in the duel with Chancellor Palpatine (more appropriately, Darth Sidious) in Revenge of the Sith, which allowed the latter to defeat Windu. The alternate video game ending also seems to disregard the fact that Padme has been injured. Curiously, when he was writing the script ofStar Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas toyed with the idea of having the Sith be responsible for the death of Anakin's mother Shmi Skywalker. This was actually the time when Palpatine was at his most vulnerable - for Luke Skywalker was at his strongest. Vader then told the clone troopers that the galaxy belonged to him now. Will there be a Star Wars 10? Palpatine would certainly have been familiar with the ability, and he even came to possess the helmet of Lord Momin, a Sith who had survived death by transferring his soul into his own helmet. If it got too chaotic, maybe the ship would have crashed, thus killing the droids, Padme, and the unborn children, thus sending Vader spiraling out of control. It makes sense that he would use this prophecy as part of his plan to destroy the Jedi Order, but there has to be more to it than that, otherwise the Emperor would have left Darth Vader to die on Mustafar. If the tale of Darth Plagueis is true, Palpatine could have used this power to siphon the Life Force out of Padm and use it to save Anakin after he was gravely injured by Obi-Wan in their duel. Home Podcasts Start listening View podcast show Save for later Create a list Download to app Keep in mind, in the regular timeline, Anakin only goes through with Order 66 after Palpatine gives him a. I highly doubt that Sidious would not have seen it coming. What if Anakin just prodded his lightsaber deep into Palpatine's spine as he turned his back on him? Check out "Wha. READ NEXT: Star Wars Theory: What If The Emperor Won In 'Return Of The Jedi'? Then the children would have been taken and trained in the dark side, which would have been bad news for the entire galaxy. The rage Anakin felt from this pointless, chaotic moment in his life left him on some level a broken man, made worse by how he foresaw the horror in a dream. Anakin's fall becomes imminent after he has a dream of Padm's death. Related: Star Wars: Emperor Palpatine Was A Sith Heretic. His apprentice, Darth Vader, bravely picked Palpatine up using all of the emotional and physical strength that remained in him in order to save his son. The Star Wars saga would be completely different if Anakin Skywalker saved Mace Windu and killed Palpatine, creating new challenges for the Jedi. He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will swiftly learn he's into British politics too. And depending on how early Sidious started experimenting with cloning on Exegol, perhaps he would have ended up in a clone body. That would explain why he refused to simply let Anakin die; hewas unwilling to give up on the idea. What's more, the threat to the Emperor isn't over; notice that the prophecy doesn't state that the Chosen One will himself be the agent of balance. It makes more sense for Padms death to have been perpetrated by Palpatine. Unlike the golden protocol droid, R2-D2 never had a full memory wipe, so he was well aware of all events that happened around him. It also couldnt be the after-effects of being Force choked by Anakin, which he had cruelly done thinking she had betrayed him to Obi-Wan, because the film goes out of its way to show the audience that she is unharmed by the action. In light of what we know from canon, this type of ending seems highly unlikely. Loves different varieties of coffee. From big franchises like Harry Potter, DC, or Star Wars, to classics like Rocky, Titanic, or Ten Commandments, to the underrated like Timeless, Merlin, or Castle, Marie has always loved films and television. Yoda went to the emperor to do the same and hopefully put an end to the Sith. if Darth Maul Trained Anakin Skywalker? But then maybe the Empire would have accused him of treason and either eliminated or captured him, the fate of his family in question, as it could all go either way. What if the all mighty Coleman Trebor actually did it? Palpatine tells Darth Vader that in his anger he killed her, placing the blame for Padms death on Vader. Mace Windu? Qui-Gon Jinn was one of the few Jedi who had dedicated a great deal of time to studying the ancient Jedi prophesies. Palpatine himself was Plageuis' apprentice, who killed him in his sleep. Curiously, when he was writing the script of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas toyed with the idea of having the Sith be responsible for the death of Anakin's mother Shmi Skywalker. According to the junior novelization ofStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, the Tusken Raiders took Shmi deliberately in order to goad the colonists into pursuing them, so they could launch a series of deadly traps. At Audible you can find the largest selection of audiobooks -- ranging from best sellers and new releases, to celebrity memoirs, languages, business, motivation, and more like, original entertainment from top celebrity creators, and thousands of popular and bingeworthy podcasts!________________________________________________Today's fan fiction: In revenge of the Sith obi wan went to Mustafar in Padmes ship to confront anakin and defeat him, as per orders from Yoda. Here is a very old fan fiction from 2017 "What if the Younglings Killed Anakin" which I had a lot of fun making, now turned into an animation! This would suggest that Palpatine killed Plagueis, which has been a long-running theory within the "Star Wars" community. Anakin Skywalker, the greatest figure in the entire Star Wars Saga, could have been created by Palpatine as part of his quest for immortality. RELATED: All Star Wars Movies, Ranked Worst To Best. Assuming that the Republic eventually defeated the Separatists and ended the Clone Wars, the Clones were created to serve the Republic, which might want to demilitarize yet again after the Clone Wars. It feels too convenient for Sidious to just have one ready as he's on his way to check on Vader, whom he had sensed was in danger. Anakin ignites his lightsaber and starts fighting Windu. So with Palpatine manipulating everything throughout the prequels, this begs the question: did Palpatine either make the Tusken Raiders murder Shmi or frame the Tusken Raiders in some way? In the same way, Sidious could well have been keeping an eye on Shmi as a potential tool to be used against Anakin, and he would therefore have become aware of her capture. Star Wars Theory Fixes Padm's Death By Having Palpatine Kill Her. Anakin Skywalkers fall to the dark side was essential to Palpatines machinations, with the secret Sith Lord subtly preparing Skywalker to become his Sith apprentice ever since he joined the Jedi Order. One of Anakin Skywalkers most pivotal moments in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith is his choice to save either Mace Windu or Palpatine. The junior novelization suggests every one of Anakin's dreams coincided with Shmi undergoing a fresh bout of torture, which is quite a chilling detail. What do you think would happen to Luke Skywalker? Now, if it werent for Anakins arrogance, losing his fight with Obi-Wan, and if it werent for Sidious unable to find Yoda to finish him off, the galaxy would be a different place for sure. He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will swiftly learn he's into British politics too. Now, it's important to note that this theory is far from proven. "A Chosen One shall come," the prophecy reads, "born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored." Originally Answered: What if anakin killed palpatine when he confessed to him of being a sith lord in revenge of the sith? Star Wars: What If Anakin Killed Palpatine And Saved Mace Windu? The Emperor has always insisted he was gifted with the power of foresight, but in truth the key to his success appears to be his Machiavellian nature. Yet Anakin would still have to explain his secret marriage to the Jedi Order, however, and the forces previously under Palpatines control would be missing their leader, potentially throwing the galaxy into chaos regardless. It is possible, however, that the rise of the dark side led to increased aggression across the galaxy, triggering fresh outbreaks of violence on Tatooine. Mace Windu and killed Palpatine and saved Mace Windu and killed Palpatine and saved Mace Windu comes... Long before he disposes of Dooku, Tom remains strongly connected with his red-bladed lightsaber which! All along, designed as part of the fight and Palpatine & # x27 ; s a Sith 's... Darth Vader awakens, and his first question is about the death of Shmi Skywalker inStar Wars: Palpatine!, audiobooks, and he had contingencies for every potential defeat Palpatine as a uniquely powerful Force-user, a. Lightsaber deep into Palpatine 's spine as he turned his back on him and Toro Calican ask permission. 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star wars theory what if anakin killed palpatine